
Friday, May 25

Illuminati Corporate Logo Symbolism

What do all these logos have in common?

They all represent an aspect of Masonic ritual.
…but first a word from our sponsors.

The Fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State--a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values--interprets, develops, and potentiates the whole life of a people.

The Fascist State lays claim to rule in the economic field no less than in others; it makes its action felt throughout the length and breadth of the country by means of its corporate, social, and educational institutions, and all the political, economic, and spiritual forces of the nation, organised in their respective associations, circulate within the State.
Benito Mussolini, 1935, The Doctrine of Fascism

“The definition of Freemasonry that it is “a science of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols,” has been so often quoted, that, were it not for its beauty, it would become wearisome. But this definition contains the exact principle that has just been enunciated. Freemasonry is a science—a philosophy—a system of doctrines which is taught, in a manner peculiar to itself, by allegories and symbols. This is its internal character.” Albert Mackey’s “Symbolism of Freemasonry” p.11

“It is for each individual Mason to discover the secret of Masonry, by reflection upon its symbols and a wise consideration and analysis of what is said and done in the work. Masonry does not inculcate her truths. She states them, once and briefly; or hints them, perhaps darkly; or interposes a cloud between them and eyes that would be dazzled by them. “Seek, and ye shall find,” knowledge and truth.” “Morals and Dogma”, Albert Pike on the lessons of the Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason. (14th degree) p.218

“The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius still glitters in our Lodges as the Blazing Star, (l’Etoile Flamboyante). The Sun is still symbolized by the point within a Circle; and, with the Moon and Mercury or, Anubis, in the three Great Lights of the Lodge. Not only to these, but to the figures and numbers exhibited by the Stars, were ascribed peculiar and divine powers.” Morals and Dogma”, Albert Pike on the lessons of “The Knight of the Brazen Serpent”( 25th degree) p.486-7

Contained within corporate logos are symbols that represent aspects of Masonic rituals. Allow me to illustrate...

The Compass and Square. Probably the most recognized and enigmatic symbol of all Freemasonry. The Three Great Lights in Masonry are the Holy Bible, Square, and Compass. “The Holy Bible is given to us as the rule and guide of our faith; the Square, to square our actions; and the Compass to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds towards all mankind, and more especially towards our brethren in Freemasonry.” It’s interesting to note that at the 2nd degree the square becomes your rule and guide and in the 3rd degree the compass becomes your rule and guide. The Bible is only the guide of Entered Apprentice. The G “is really a corruption of, or perhaps rather a substitution for, the Hebrew letter y (yod), which is the initial of the ineffable name.” “The letter G conveys to the minds of the brethren, the idea of God and that of Geometry.” Enclosed within a triangle, it is a symbol of the Unity of God, known as the “Great Architect of the Universe”.
Some claim that the Compass and Square is a veiled Star of David. This makes perfect sense considering the Templar connection. Some claim that it is a symbol of sexual union. The Freemasons claim they are symbols of the craft the are allegorical of moral lessons, which brings us to the square.

The Square. A Freemason seeks to be a “square man”. In Mackey’s Symbolism of Freemasonry, he states that, “In Freemasonry it is a symbol of morality, or the strict performance of every duty.” Note that this logo of Compass bank is a red square, as in “compass and square”, with a sun symbol. The Red Square is a symbol often used in corporate logos and in a nation’s heritage, such as the Red Square in Moscow.
Within magic, the symbol takes on another meaning. Red is the color associated with the planet mars. The square is a symbol of man. Therefore the red square can equate mars man or Martian. An interesting note, the god Mars was also known as Aries. Therefore, Martian can be transliterated into Aryan.
The Square is introduced to the Entered Apprentice as one of the three Great Lights of Freemasonry, to the Fellowcraftsman as one of the working tools of his Degree. It is also one of the Jewels of the Lodge, and the special Jewel of the Master of the Lodge. It is probably the most important tool of a Mason, whether an Operative or a Speculative one, for it connects and more or less includes the Level and the Plumb Rule, and it is the only tool by which the rough Ashlar can be prepared and tested; and unless the ashlars are perfect the building cannot be built after any wise plan, or with strength, or with beauty. It is used to form the rude and to prove the perfect mass, and therefore it is of the utmost importance that an implement on which so much depends shall be itself perfectly correct.

The Cube. In Masonry you are to work from the rough ashlar to the perfect ashlar. To a Mason, the rough ashlar “is a symbol of men’s natural state of ignorance. But if the perfect ashlar be, in reference to its mode of preparation, considered as a symbol of the social character of Freemasonry, then the rough ashlar must be considered as a symbol of the profane world. In this species of symbolism, the rough and the perfect bear the same relationship to each other as ignorance does to knowledge, death to life, and light to darkness. The rough ashlar is the profane; the perfect ashlar is the initiate.” Mackey’s Symbolism of Freemasonry (p.323)

The Rising Sun. Sun worship is “the most ancient of all superstitions. It prevailed especially in Phoenicia, Chaldea, and Egypt, and traces of it have been found in Peru and Mexico. Its influence was felt in the ancient mysteries, and abundant allusions to it are to be found in the symbolism of Freemasonry.” Albert Mackey “Symbolism of Freemasonry (p.362) The sun sign known as a certain point within a circle, according to Mackey, was undoubtedly of phallic origin. Bill Clinton announced on Y2K, “It is a Rising Sun!” It has, in the past, been a symbol of the Egyptian god, Horus. It is considered by some, to represent the new age of Aquarius and the arrival of new radiation from the galactic core. “The Golden Dawn”. Solar worship has been a focal point for most religions. The swastika is a solar symbol, but have you ever wondered why Hitler canted the swastika?

The Canted Square. Within the rituals of occultic orders, such as the Freemasons, it is required that the candidate circle the altar of the lodge in a particular manner. It is called circumambulation. Circumambulation is the practice of "...making a circuit about a thing or in an area of reverence..." In Masonry, circumambulation involves the making of a circuit around the Lodge, while keeping the right hand toward the altar. “The rite is symbolic of the apparent daily course of the sun, and was undoubtedly derived from the ancient sun-worship.” "During the circuits of the lodge room, corners should be squared in accordance with the ancient tradition of “squaring the lodge". Further, the Entered Apprentice during initiation shall proceed to the northeast corner of the Lodge three times during the circumambulation, the Fellowcraft during passing shall proceed there four times, and the Master being raised shall proceed there five times.

The 47th Proposition of Euclid is known as "that amazing Proposition which is the foundation of all Masonry." It is also known as the Pythagorean Theorem. The Pythagorean Theorem is important in building, and one of its uses is to square a room. Builders use the theorem to square the corners of rooms by using the ratio of the numbers three, four and five. three squared plus four squared = five squared.
This was, with the Egyptians several thousand years ago, the standard and symbol of perfection ; and they made it also the basis of all their measurements ; they looked on it as the symbol of Universal Nature, the side 4 being Osiris the male principle, 3 the female principle Isis, and 5 Horus the son, the product of these two principles;—they said 3 was the first perfect odd number, that 4 was the square of 2 the first even number, and 5 was the result of 3 and 2.
Any Mason, after having been raised, has reproduced by circumambulation the numbers three, four and five in the most significant corner of the Lodge, the Northeast, and thereby has unknowingly recited with his feet the formula which is contained in the 47th problem, and thereby has "squared the Lodge".

The Oblong Square. Once a candidate has circled the altar and experienced the life and death of the “Widow’s Son”, Hiram Abiff, he is taught the proper way to stand before the Worshipful Master in the East. He is told to “stand with his body erect and his feet forming the angle of an oblong square.” The Egyptians did the same.

The Templars. Freemasonry’s origins are obscure. It has been shown that they are most likely a continuation of the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon or the Knights Templar. "The Seal of Solomon or the Shield of David, for under both names the same thing was denoted, is a hexagonal figure consisting of two interlaced triangles, thus forming the outlines of a six-pointed star. Upon it was inscribed one of the sacred names of God, from which inscription it was supposed principally to derive its talismanic powers. These powers were very extensive, for it was believed that it would extinguish fire, prevent wounds in a conflict, and perform many other wonders."
(Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, p. 674)
Many Templar symbols are incorporated into corporate logos. The Skull and Bones is one; the double-cross is another. Look at the Exxon logo again. The Templars are most famous for two things, gold and arches. Solomon’s magic is based in Hebrew, a magic known today as Kabalism or Qabalism. In order to know Qabalism, one must know Hebrew and the Tarot.

Hebrew and the Tarot. In Hebrew, letters are numbers. For instance, in Hebrew the number 666 would read VVV or www. Each numerical value has significance, for example 66 is the number of the Qlippoth, also known as the fallen angels; the dark-side. As, I said 6=V in Hebrew, therefore 66 can be represented as W. Hitler’s VW=666 or 66 depending on how you look at it. Conoco can be transliterated to 666 and 90. 90 is the number of the Star in the Tarot.

The Pentagram. “Albert Pike calls it ‘the absolute sign of human intelligence (p.790). The Magician’s Dictionary states, “in a general sense it (the pentacle) stands for all magical symbols and talismans. Specifically, as the pentagram, or five-pointed star, it is the symbol of itself. Therefore, it is the magician's sine qua non. It is the representative of the material world and human mastery over it.”…and the Masons love it. The stars in the American flag are based on the same Masonic principle. Each state is an independent sovereign, master of its own destiny, in the same way that the magician is master of his own world. One will immediately notice the number of countries that use the pentagram on their flag.
The pentagram (pentacle or pentalpha) is considered by some western occultists to trace its esoteric significance to an astronomical observance of the pattern of Venus' conjunctions with the Sun.
Venus depicts a pentacle every eight years when viewed from earth, sometimes as the “Morning Star” and sometimes as the “Evening Star”. "Lucifer" is the Latin term originally used by the Romans to refer to the planet Venus. For this reason, it is believed that Venus is what is being referred to as Lucifer in the King James Bible and not Satan. There was no link between the words Lucifer and Satan until Milton’s, “Paradise Lost” and Dante’s “Divine Comedy”.
From the Oxford English Dictionary we get that the pentacle was known as a tool used in necromancy. Quoting More’s “Mystic Inquiries”, the dictionary states, “Their pentacles which they hang about their necks when they conjure (which they forsooth…call the Pentacles of Solomon) are adorned and fortified with such transcriptions out of holy Scripture.” And from Dekker’s “Whole of Babylon Works”, it states, “Take Periapts, Pentacles, and potent Charmes to conjure downe foule fiends.” Many believed these charms would protect them on the battlefield.
In Egypt, it was a symbol of Sirius. One will notice that the hieroglyph includes an obelisk, a dome, and a pentagram. These symbols will come up often in a study of Freemasonry. Isis (or Sothis) is a representation of Sirius, as well. In Austin, there is an obelisk due north of the capital dome with a goddess holding a pentacle.
The Blazing Star is a symbol of Sirius in Freemasonry, as well.
“This eminent symbol of the Symbolic Lodges is described there as a hieroglyph of Divine Providence, but Pike sees it as representative of Divine Truth, Sirius (the brightest star in the heavens), and the Sun.” “A Glossary to Morals and Dogma” p.75 Dr. Rex R. Hutchens, 33.

There is an agenda at work; it is the motivations that must be known. These logos give us a clue to the internal character of the group that we are dealing with. There is a “They” and they are proud. Their fingerprint is on every aspect of our lives and the story traces back millennia…from distant stars.