
Thursday, November 3

Dan Fogler, Don Peyote, and Freeman Fly


Follow Our Adventures On Board MSMMLE

Friends of Freeman

COTO Report and Megan 'Verb' Kargher are pleased to present Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation. It has become increasingly evident that large portions of the planet are descending at an alarming speed into Orwellian police states. What is the New World Order and what are their plans for mankind? How can we stop the corruption now? Join me as I travel in search of what is really going on in the world in which we live. Featuring interviews with David Icke, Max Igan, Freeman, Jordan Maxwell, Dr. George Rhodes, Ben Stewart and Charlie Veitch.
In Don Peyote, Freeman shows Dan Fogler around the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry in New York. Dan Fogler was shown an altar where FDR and Houdini had knelt, his world began to shift into a shamanic...well here, see for yourself.

Subscribe to get the latest videos and special guest interviews

10-13 and the Massive UFO Display

Ancient Technology of the Future

ET & the Transhumanist Agenda - $19.99 This DVD is 5 hours and covers the advance of the space war and new technologies coupled with the creation of a New World Order.
"Dangerous, profoundly wrong and has no place in our society..." are the words President Obama used to describe human cloning. Was there a covert meaning in this message?
CERN opens dimensions and seeks dark matter in space. A spiraling vortex of sapphire particles opens over Norway as Obama arrives to receive his Nobel Peace Prize. Mysterious missiles launch from coast to coast and the Space War ramps up with the X-37B, an automated military space shuttle and Space X launches the Dragon preparing to meet Robonaut 2 on the ISS. Are we witnessing the rise of the technocratic elite?

All 5 DVDs

The Freeman Perspective is sponsored by you. Please show your support and help me continue to bring you thought-provoking information.

Obama Cloning and the Coming Space War $24.99

Who is this man we call the President? Will he cause a Constitutional crisis? What’s hidden within his name and his statements? Is he the coming Anti-Christ predicted by Nostradamus? Are we witnessing the rise of the Fourth Reich? Or are things much stranger than we thought?
This 2 disk set includes a DVD of Freeman's presentation, Obama, Cloning and the Coming Space War and a CD with 10 hours of Freeman's radio interviews in MP3 format.
Explore revelations of Lucifer, occult rituals hidden as political speech, and the acceleration of the weaponization of space for a coming space war.

Obama, A Clone of Akhenaten

Space War News

Chemtrails - They Live, We Sleep

Obama, Thank You Satan

North American Intergalactic Rainbow Ambassador to the Mayans

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Thursday, October 27

Friendship Agenda Activation

Friends of Freeman

It was a harrowing adventure that tested the limits of our being. To be honest, I have sainted Monty, Jamie, and I. To tell this whole adventure will take some time so, I will blog and present audio and the Type One Congress is working on the video. Our meeting was a huge success, mostly showing our determination to make our dreams come true. After packing and moving the house and selling the car and studying for our CDL licensing; we worked and struggled like have never done before and then got up and did some more. We slept 3 nights in Ms. Emily to wait for our driver's test. We all had to pass or miss the Type One Congress. People from all over the nation were driving and flying out to Sassafras Island to discuss and plan the Roadshow. With the heart of Columbus, Mystery Inc. ( Monty, Jamie and I)

turned our bus east, now legally driving, and headed off to the unknown. We conquered 1100 miles with only a lot of noise and bumps. I'm certain I got 2 inches of air once sleeping in our unbolted bed in back. As we reached the mountains and Jamie had taken the wheel, we learned that the bus would conk out going down hill. We were sunk. We sat on the side of the highway waving in the back draft of the passing trunks near tears. There had been many tears just getting out of our house, now to be sitting on the side of the PA Turnpike dead in the water and not a clue as to what was wrong, left us in utter despair. We could not give up, however. Some of the best people we know were waiting in a safe port of harbor. I phoned our destination. This is a lovely couple that I don't know whether they want mention or not but, for now I will call them our guardian angels or our fairy godmother and father. As our mystical path would provide, our angels have a truck shop and work on our type of engine regularly. He told me of our problem and now I knew I could hobble the bus across Pennsylvania. On every downhill the bus would shut off. Jamie would hold the wheel and wait for me to turn off and turn on the diesel engine while staying within cruising traffic. It was nerve-wracking and late after much work but, we had to "bugger on". We rested and woke to our angel phoning bright and early to see if I was under the bus, yet. I pulled on my bibs and grabbed my vice grips and stepped into the wet cold to learn where my fuel filter was located and remove and clean it. I know my way around engines as, this is not my first rodeo. This didn't help so, I continued to accelerate and glide up and down the Pennsylvania mountains. We only used half our gas and pulled safely into our friend's truck repair shop. The Friendship Agenda at work. Now he tells me, make a list of all that you have found wrong and I'll have my mechanics and welders sort you right out. As we depart from here, Ms. Emily will be more road-worthy than she has been in years. Our systems checked. We can broadcast shows to you and watch Netflix live from the road and the Type One Congress was a huge success, Mystery Inc. can now take much needed break and now that the Friendship Agenda is in full swing. Are you ready? Stay tuned for the upcoming presentations here and on

Tuesday, August 9

A Solution To Violent Protest

We're going to bust out and take this revolution to the streets! We have so many homes to visit and joy to share, we want to live in a Tour Bus. It has been my life's dream to revive the Merry Pranksters and dance, drumming into office buildings to see how many people we can spring from the work force penitentiary.

How will human culture change in the next millennium as a result of conscious evolution?
Will we feel it proper to cater to our earth so that beauty supplants blind ambition?
Will our technological advancements be turned to providing free time for the inhabitants of earth? Can everyone participate in a giving and receiving interaction that perpetuates an exchange of information that would become everyone’s new work, our new economic orientation?
The Type One Road Show
Get on board with the Type One Movement
– Social Media With Purpose -
Never before has the individual had the powers of the mass media.
The 21st Century has opened the doors to a new style of communication

-– Type One Media --
Type One is a Globally Communicative Social Structure of Individuals

Bringing Power Back To The People Through Independent Media

Type One Artists Resonate With the Global Consciousness

Expressing the True Loving Nature of Humanity

Seeking all that wish to be sought and creating shows of great amazement and joy. Exposing the miraculous, highlighting the strange and presenting the impossible; a solution to our world's plight. Is this too much to ask? Type One Media - It's what you think it is.

It's time to take it to the road.
We’d be paid by the people we touched. Our gifts should go to the people who have brought us spiritual truth. When people come into our lives at just the right moment to give us the answers we need, we should give them money. This is how we start to supplement our incomes and ease ourselves out of the current limiting system.
As more people engage in this spiritual economy we will begin a real shift into a culture that provides the beauty and potential to lift mankind’s economic orientation.
The world is being directed to change. It is our time to be that change. No longer should we concern ourselves with what we don’t want. It’s time to turn our attention toward what is beautiful and vital. In seeking our enemy we become our enemy, forgetting the true purpose of our existence. It is our reason to be, that must be evolved. It is you, uplifting others around you that will ignite the evolution.

Saturday, June 18

the Freeman Perspective 2011

I hope you will visit and subscribe.

All 5 DVDs

ET & the Transhumanist Agenda - $19.99

This DVD is 5 hours and covers the advance of the space war and new technologies coupled with the creation of a New World Order.

"Dangerous, profoundly wrong and has no place in our society..." are the words President Obama used to describe human cloning. Was there a covert meaning in this message.
CERN opens dimensions and seeks dark matter in space. A spiraling vortex of sapphire particles opens over Norway as Obama arrives to receive his Nobel Peace Prize. Mysterious missiles launch from coast to coast and the Space War ramps up with the X-37B, an automated military space shuttle and Space X launches the Dragon preparing to meet Robonaut 2 on the ISS.
Are we witnessing the rise of the technocratic elite?

Don't miss Radio Free Humanity with Frater X right after The Free Zone Saturday at 8pm CST.

Much has been going on in my world. There have been a lot of changes going on behind the scenes at Freeman TV and plenty of new content to keep you up-to-date with the Space War, High Profile Occult Rituals, New Technologies, and amazing guests like Jim Marrs, Richard Dolan, and Joseph Farrell to reveal the Alien Agenda.

Currently, I am building a world for people to play in. Growing gardens and learning Perma-Culture techniques to share methods for Urban Sustainability.

Subscribing at Freeman TV will get you access to all the new TV shows and full access to the Friends of Freeman website; a resource sharing community. There will be many rewards for subscribers in the near future.

For $5 a month you will receive all that I have to offer and I promise, this will be in abundance. I have new lectures and documentaries up at Freeman TV with more on the way thanks to many hard-working filmmakers that have included me in with the likes of David Icke and Jordan Maxwell.

Friends of Freeman

I am building the Friends of Freeman website for resource sharing, meeting and planning our new bountiful world. To keep interest, I have been composing, editing and producing a new TV show with incredible guests and utilizing all the great film I have been gathering from around the world. Subscribing gives you access to the new TV shows.

All these efforts have made my house a mecca of learning. "Friends of Freeman" from all over the world wander through my doors and stay on my couch and floor and...well, you get the picture and this is giving me an abundance of material to present to you for solution oriented thinking. Such as, making your own nutrients from primordial salts to free and easy ways to turn lawns into beautiful, food-providing landscapes.

I have been collecting the largest known Occult Photography Gallery; showing the innards of many Secret Society Temples and I have film of most of these intriguing buildings which will all come to light in the new TV show.

If you haven't heard, I will be appearing in a Hollywood production called Don Peyote, coming to theaters near you. This film will be a break out film for Dan Folger and put the spotlight on all the madness unrecognized by the masses. I took Dan to the N.Y. Grand Lodge of Freemasonry for my part in the film. The film also stars Daniel Pinchbeck, Anne Hathaway and many more.

I will be appearing on many radio shows such as Veritas and a fantastic film with my wife Jamie on Wash Your Brain to help kids see the War Culture Creation of Princess/Warrior Programming through celebrity manipulation. We cover it all from ancient goddesses to Lady Gaga and we will have Weird Stuff Magazine out to you soon; as a tool to teach children and your friends the dangers and methods of cultural programming by the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex.

So please, stay tuned and subscribe at
May your gardens be green and your life abundant with friendship.


Thank you so much for your support.

Sunday, June 12

Methods of Manipulation


Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation - featuring David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Max Igan, & Freeman

source video

Thank you so much for your support

Freeman Speech At The Free Your Mind Conference