
Saturday, June 18

the Freeman Perspective 2011

I hope you will visit and subscribe.

All 5 DVDs

ET & the Transhumanist Agenda - $19.99

This DVD is 5 hours and covers the advance of the space war and new technologies coupled with the creation of a New World Order.

"Dangerous, profoundly wrong and has no place in our society..." are the words President Obama used to describe human cloning. Was there a covert meaning in this message.
CERN opens dimensions and seeks dark matter in space. A spiraling vortex of sapphire particles opens over Norway as Obama arrives to receive his Nobel Peace Prize. Mysterious missiles launch from coast to coast and the Space War ramps up with the X-37B, an automated military space shuttle and Space X launches the Dragon preparing to meet Robonaut 2 on the ISS.
Are we witnessing the rise of the technocratic elite?

Don't miss Radio Free Humanity with Frater X right after The Free Zone Saturday at 8pm CST.

Much has been going on in my world. There have been a lot of changes going on behind the scenes at Freeman TV and plenty of new content to keep you up-to-date with the Space War, High Profile Occult Rituals, New Technologies, and amazing guests like Jim Marrs, Richard Dolan, and Joseph Farrell to reveal the Alien Agenda.

Currently, I am building a world for people to play in. Growing gardens and learning Perma-Culture techniques to share methods for Urban Sustainability.

Subscribing at Freeman TV will get you access to all the new TV shows and full access to the Friends of Freeman website; a resource sharing community. There will be many rewards for subscribers in the near future.

For $5 a month you will receive all that I have to offer and I promise, this will be in abundance. I have new lectures and documentaries up at Freeman TV with more on the way thanks to many hard-working filmmakers that have included me in with the likes of David Icke and Jordan Maxwell.

Friends of Freeman

I am building the Friends of Freeman website for resource sharing, meeting and planning our new bountiful world. To keep interest, I have been composing, editing and producing a new TV show with incredible guests and utilizing all the great film I have been gathering from around the world. Subscribing gives you access to the new TV shows.

All these efforts have made my house a mecca of learning. "Friends of Freeman" from all over the world wander through my doors and stay on my couch and floor and...well, you get the picture and this is giving me an abundance of material to present to you for solution oriented thinking. Such as, making your own nutrients from primordial salts to free and easy ways to turn lawns into beautiful, food-providing landscapes.

I have been collecting the largest known Occult Photography Gallery; showing the innards of many Secret Society Temples and I have film of most of these intriguing buildings which will all come to light in the new TV show.

If you haven't heard, I will be appearing in a Hollywood production called Don Peyote, coming to theaters near you. This film will be a break out film for Dan Folger and put the spotlight on all the madness unrecognized by the masses. I took Dan to the N.Y. Grand Lodge of Freemasonry for my part in the film. The film also stars Daniel Pinchbeck, Anne Hathaway and many more.

I will be appearing on many radio shows such as Veritas and a fantastic film with my wife Jamie on Wash Your Brain to help kids see the War Culture Creation of Princess/Warrior Programming through celebrity manipulation. We cover it all from ancient goddesses to Lady Gaga and we will have Weird Stuff Magazine out to you soon; as a tool to teach children and your friends the dangers and methods of cultural programming by the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex.

So please, stay tuned and subscribe at
May your gardens be green and your life abundant with friendship.


Thank you so much for your support.

Sunday, June 12

Methods of Manipulation


Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation - featuring David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Max Igan, & Freeman

source video

Thank you so much for your support

Freeman Speech At The Free Your Mind Conference