
Tuesday, February 24

Barackhenaten and Renaissance Tiye

Is Obama a clone of an Egyptian Pharaoh? Was the First Family created in test tubes using DNA from Akhenaten, his daughters, and Queen Tiye?
"Human genetic material, largely undamaged after 2,400 years, has been extracted from an Egyptian mummy and has been grown in the laboratory. One 2,400-yr-old mummy of a child was found to contain DNA that could be molecularly cloned in a plasmid vector. These analyses show that substantial pieces of mummy DNA can be cloned and that the DNA fragments seem to contain little or no modifications introduced postmortem."

March 18th, 2010
Senator Steve Buehrer (R) introduced SB 243 on human cloning in the Ohio General Assembly. The bill would prohibit human cloning, the creation, transportation, or receipt of a human-animal hybrid, the transfer of a nonhuman embryo into a human womb, and the transfer of a human embryo into a nonhuman womb.

February 26th, 2010
Leader of the Russian Liberal Democrats Vladimir Zhirinovsky said cloning should be permitted in Russia and proposed cloning himself "for the nation's benefit." "Scientists should work, we should not be afraid. Cloning is a remedy for humanity... Let us grow people and take their organs to replace [those damaged],"
"We should clone clever, talented people, a list of people to be cloned should be created. We should have new Einsteins, Kurchatovs, Tsiolkovskys, Yesenins, Pushkins," he went on.
He said he personally would be happy to be cloned.

January 31, 2010
Egypt will soon reveal the results of DNA tests made on the world's most famous ancient king, the young Pharaoh Tutankhamun, to answer lingering mysteries over his lineage, the antiquities department said Sunday.
Speaking at a conference, archaeology chief Zahi Hawass said he would announce the results of the DNA tests and the CAT scans on Feb. 17. The results will be compared to those made of King Amenhotep III, who may have been Tutankamun's grandfather.
The effort is part of a wider program to check the DNA of hundreds of mummies to determine their identities and family relations. The program could help determine Tutankhamun's family lineage, which has long been a source of mystery.
The identity of Tut's parents is not firmly known. Many experts believe he is the son of Akhenaten. A $5 million DNA lab was created at the Egyptian Museum, with funding from the Discovery Channel. "We have set up a DNA laboratory at the basement of the Egyptian Museum and another at Cairo University’s Faculty of Medicine where two teams of distinguished scientists worked. Each team worked separately in its own laboratory away from the other, and both were assisted by German scientists who specialize in studying DNA."
Previously, exclusive right to DNA sample of the pharaohs was forbidden for reasons of National Security.
As was reported earlier, King Tut's penis was found and was “well developed.”

December 2nd, 2009

National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins announced today that the first 13 human embryonic stem (ES) cell lines have been approved for funding under the expanded policy outlined by President Barack Obama in an executive order last March. He said another 20 are likely to be added to the list any day now, but the final list could top 100.

November 24th, 2009
President Barack Obama established a new presidential bioethics council. The Executive Order states that “at least one and not more than three of whom may be bioethicists or scientists drawn from the executive branch, as designated by the President.” This may feature advisers who could push his decision to force taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research even further. Executive Order 13521 was only published in the Federal Register on Monday, November 30, however.

March 9th, 2009
“We will develop strict guidelines (for stem cell research), which we will rigorously enforce, because we cannot ever tolerate misuse or abuse,” Mr. Obama said. “And we will ensure that our government never opens the door to the use of cloning for human reproduction. It is dangerous, profoundly wrong, and has no place in our society, or any society.”
Full text of Obama's speech on Stem Cell Research March 9th 2009
[Remember that this article on Barackhenaten was published on Feb. 24 2009]

November 12, 2007
A technical breakthrough has enabled scientists to create for the first time dozens of cloned embryos from adult rhesus macaque monkeys, raising the prospect of the same procedure being used to make cloned human embryos.
Attempts to clone human embryos for research have been dogged by technical problems and controversies over fraudulent research and questionable ethics. But the new technique promises to revolutionize the efficiency by which scientists can turn human eggs into cloned embryos.

July 20, 2006
President Bush issued the first veto of his five-year-old administration yesterday, rejecting Congress's bid to lift funding restrictions on human embryonic stem cell research.
Joined by children produced from what he called "adopted" frozen embryos, Bush said taxpayers should not support research on surplus embryos at fertility clinics, even if they offer possible medical breakthroughs and are slated for disposal.
The vetoed bill "would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others," the president said, as babies cooed and cried behind him. "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect." Each child on the stage, he said, "began his or her life as a frozen embryo that was created for in vitro fertilization but remained unused after the fertility treatments were complete. . . These boys and girls are not spare parts."

August 25, 2005
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger urges the United States Senate to pass H.R. 810, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005, which was passed by the House of Representatives earlier this year, and S. 1520, legislation sponsored by Senator Feinstein and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) that would ban human reproductive cloning, but allow promising embryonic stem cell research to go forward.
Have you seen "The 6th Day"?

April 16, 1985
"Human genetic material, largely undamaged after 2,400 years, has been extracted from an Egyptian mummy and has been grown in the laboratory. One 2,400-yr-old mummy of a child was found to contain DNA that could be molecularly cloned in a plasmid vector. These analyses show that substantial pieces of mummy DNA can be cloned and that the DNA fragments seem to contain little or no modifications introduced postmortem."

President Barack Obama looks amazingly like Akhenaten the father of monotheism. Michelle Obama looks amazingly like Akhenaten's mother, Queen Tiye. Akhenaten had two daughters by Nefertiti They look amazingly like Malia and Sasha. The code names of Renegade, Renaissance, Radiance and Rosebud correlate well with the ancient depiction of the Royal Family.

Are the First Family clones?

I have been showing off my art work of Barack Obama as Akhenaten to see what people think. Admittedly, most of my friends already see the world differently than your average citizen. Let's just say they already come with a conspiracy bent. My hope is to instill wonder in our world and to say that things just might be a little stranger than you thought.
I would show my friends this picture and say, "What do you think?" Without any other comment.
They would say, "Well, he does look a lot like Akhenaten."
My jaw would dangle just a bit.
"OK, I understand that you do not know that this woman next to Barackhenaten is Akhenaten's mother, Queen Tiye."
"That's really her face?"
"I have done nothing to alter their faces. I simply found a photo that was facing the right direction and their mouth was closed. I cut the face in half and super-imposed it on the ancient busts."
"That is amazing!"
"It gets even stranger. I found that two of the six daughters of Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti became Queens themselves...
I wait for it.
"They do look like Akhenaten's children!"
"Notice in this ancient frieze of Akhenaten and Nefertiti with their two girls, what is the other most prominent features of this picture?"

"Didn't Akhenaten worship the sun god Aten?"
"Oh, and the flowers."
"Exactly. Do you know the code names the secret service gave the first family?"
"Isn't that a secret?"
"I guess it should be but, no, it was in the news. Their names are Renegade, Renaissance, Radiance, and Rosebud."
"Radiance and Rosebud?"
"Absolutely. Here look for yourself."

"Well, what do you think now?"
"Are there family connections?"
Come on, what are the odds that a woman that looks exactly like the mother of Akhenaten would marry a man who looks exactly like Akhenaten and have two children that look exactly like the offspring of Akhenaten and Nefertiti?
As a child, my mind was open to wondrous possibilities. As I studied the pyramids and ancient astronauts, I learned that mummification had a mysterious property that we in the, then, 20th century could not reproduce. Our new mummies decompose. The ancient Egyptian mummies did not. I knew this allowed for the retrieval of a viable cell for cloning and I pondered if there would be some day when "they" would bring back the Pharaohs. I was thinking of some Armageddon script when the dead would walk the Earth. What I never thought of, was the clones coming out as the first family of America!
Today is a great day to live.

There are definitely questions of Barack's origins.
"Mr. Obama is not a natural born citizen." What kind of riots or Constitutional erosion would occur if this is true? The revolution is manufactured.
Were there other clones like Barack?

Music by MP Soundcraft

Noun: renegade ‘re-nu‘geyd
1. Someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw
2. A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or
political party or friend etc.
"Christian turned Muslim,"
See also: disloyal
Type of: defector, deserter, dissent, protest, turncoat, resist, apostate

Noun: Renaissance
2. The revival of learning and culture
Adjective: renascent ri'na-sunt or ri'ney-sunt
• Rising again as to new life
• A second or new birth
• reincarnation, rebirth

Dr. Sam Vaknin is a world authority on narcissism. Vaknin says that Obama's language, posture and demeanor, and the testimonies of his closest, dearest and nearest suggest that the Senator is either a narcissist or he may have narcissistic personality disorder.

Pathological narcissism is a pattern of thinking and behaving in adolescence and adulthood, which involves infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of others. It manifests in the chronic pursuit of personal gratification and attention (narcissistic supply), in social dominance and personal ambition, bragging, insensitivity to others, lack of empathy and/or excessive dependence on others to meet his/her responsibilities in daily living and thinking.

“If I had to name my greatest strength, I guess it would be my humility.
Greatest weakness? It’s possible that I’m a little too awesome.”
- Barack Obama

Every respectable monotheistic religion needs an adversary/satan and Akhenaten’s cult of Aten is no different. In ancient Egypt, this spirit of evil and destruction who dwelled in eternal darkness was known as, Apep. Apep commanded an army of demons that plagued mankind according to the ancient tradition.
Apep later became known as Apophis, patron of evil and darkness; the serpent.

My investigation of Obama began with his coupling of NASA with the DOD. The Columbia Endeavour for the Discovery of Atlantis is coming to a close and is being replaced by the Ares Space Program, Ares being the god of war.
China's successful test of an anti-satellite missile in January 2007 signaled a potential new arms race in space. Barack Obama does not support the stationing of any weapons in space. He believes the international community must address the issue of space weaponization head-on and enter into a serious dialogue with Russia, China and other nations to stop this slow slide into a new battlefield.
Few realize that we have a United States Space Force and that it is housed in Cheyenne Mountain with NORAD and the Missile Defense Shield. It was the shield that concerned me most when I made my film on HAARP. In this film, I highlighted a report of an asteroid that came over the HAARP facility as it was being tested as a meteor deflection shield. I considered, could they have the ability to hurl meteors at the planet? The perfect approach of the object over the HAARP antennae array suggested guidance. I knew this was something to document because of Wernher von Braun's "Enemy List" establishing asteroids as the next false-flag event.
It was no ordinary meteor that shot over the HAARP array. It came in with a sonic boom and was followed by an earthquake in Anchorage. The event of meteors with sonic booms has been increasing and the curious note is that each time the incoming object is unknown. There is a bright flash that turns night to day and then a sonic boom followed shortly by an earthquake. This happened in Tok Alaska on December 29th. There were more than 250 tremors in Yellowstone that same day. Robert Smith, a professor of geophysics at the University of Utah said of these tremors, "They're certainly not normal,"
It turns out that Obama’s election was heralded by a meteor coming in over Canada on November 20th. Some suggest this is a sign of Barack being the Anti-Christ. Obama is helped by Mabus after all.

"Nostradamus gave the Third Antichrist the following code name. He's Mabus. A number of notorious contemporary figures, still living or recently dead from the Middle East can see their names spelled in the Mabus code. But there also are other leaders from the West, deeply entangled in Middle Eastern turmoil, a current US president and a charismatic candidate who could be his successor whose names also easily decode out of Mabus, making the search for the right candidate the most provocative and topical challenge presented by Nostradamus for our present times.

Though his true name is occulted, the Third Antichrist's destiny is made clear. Unlike the first two, he is the first to die in a war he initiates at the sign of a comet, or a rocket falling out of the skies:

World War III begins when Mabus dies a sudden death." John Hogue

Did Jesus Reveal The Name of the Anti-Christ as Baraq O Bamah?
The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name." He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Did Obama say "Thank You Satan"?
I see things a little differently, however. Not many people noticed the asteroid that nearly hit the planet last Monday, March 2nd. It came closer to Earth than the moon’s orbit. The space ball measured between 69 feet and 154 feet in diameter. The Planetary Society said that made it the same size as an asteroid that exploded over Siberia in 1908 and leveled more than 800 square miles of forest. It was discovered three days before possible impact.
It is now being said that this asteroid threat should be solved "through broad international cooperation" within the framework of the United Nations. The meteor that is of concern comes from a group of Near Earth Objects known as Aten and the bringer of doom in this Group of Aten…Apophis.

Predicting Apophis' Earth Encounters in 2029 and 2036

This animation illustrates how the unmeasured physical parameters of Apophis bias the entire statistical uncertainty region. If Apophis is a RETROGRADE rotator on the small, less-massive end of what is possible, the measurement uncertainty region will get pushed back such that the center of the distribution encounters the Earth's orbit. This would result in an impact probability much higher than computed with the Standard Dynamical Model. Conversely, if Apophis is a small, less-massive PROGRADE rotator, the uncertainty region is advanced along the orbit. Only the remote tails of the probability distribution could encounter the Earth, producing a negligible impact probability. Although measurements in 2010-2011 may cut the size of the measurement uncertainty region greatly and result in an "all clear" using the Standard Dynamical Model, it may not be until Arecibo radar in 2013 provides a spin direction that Earth's passage through the probability distribution center can be ruled out.