
Monday, November 17

Nephilm Evidence - L A Marzulli

This is never before seen evidence of the Nephilim’s interaction with planet Earth in the ancient past and in the present with alien abductions. LA Marzulli presents his new book, On the Trail of the Nephilim II. - See more at

Thursday, November 6

Top Ten Signs of Monarch Mind Control with Beyonce

Queen Bee appears to be showing signs of Monarch Mind Control Programming. Watch this video of Beyonce at the Nets game with Jay-z!

The Queen Bee Part 5

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
beyonce-solange-knowles Beyoncé and Solange on the night of the famous elevator brawl Just like all of the other pop stars of the time, Beyoncé’s body of work is rife with MK Ultra - Monarch Mind Control symbolism. Unlike the other pop stars, however, Beyoncé is showing no signs of breaking down or even taking a break. What I find really fascinating about Beyoncé’s story is how she has managed to keep her composure and poise in public throughout her entire career, and also her sweet innocent persona which I think reflects the whole “virgin” aspect of the archetype. She hasn't had any scandals or meltdowns like the rest of the girls who you see with the same monarch symbolism. Aside from her sister attacking Jay-Z, Beyoncé’s public life has remained mostly drama free. During the fight in the elevator, she just stayed still as a statue, most likely in a trance state. The problem with Beyoncé is, you just never can tell if there is anything going wrong in her world. Recently, Nickelodeon star, Amanda Bynes posted a series of tweets about her father sexually abusing her and a microchip implanted inside her brain. She was thelutfi19f-3-webn taken to a mental hospital in Los Angeles by Sam Lutfi, Britney Spears’ ex-handler who was around when she had her infamous meltdown. The same week, pop star Ke$ha, announced she was suing her longtime producer, Dr. Luke, for abusing her sexually, physically, verbally and emotionally to the point where she nearly died. Meanwhile, Beyoncé testifies that she has a perfect life, but does she really? Beyoncé's whole career has been a master class in exercising control over her image and the conversations about it. Recently, she exhibited the latest lesson with the release of a remix to her song “Flawless”, featuring Nicki Minaj. In the verses of the song, she addresses the much-talked-about fight between Solange and Jay-Z. She explains that elevator brawls are normal behavior when people who are collectively worth $1 billion ride together. She sings: “We escalatin', up in this bitch like elevators. Of course sometimes shit goes down when there's a billion dollars on an elevator.” Until she actually comes out and admits that she been under mind control, which is almost impossible for a victim to even realize, we will have to examine the multitude of clues that would lead us to believe that Beyoncé has undergone Monarch programming. It is highly probable that she is not a queen, but, in fact, a slave. At the beginning of her song, Get Me Bodied, she counts off the numbers of her birthday, 9-4-8-1. In his famous speech on cults, ritual abuse and mind control, Prof. Corydon Hammond stated that this was common in mind control victims. “There's an identification code that people have. It will involve their birth date. It may involve places where they were programmed, and it will usually involve a number that will be their birth order, like zero-two if they were second born. It will usually also involve a number that represents the number of generations in the cult, if they are bloodlines. I've seen up to twelve now, twelve generations.”1 MolochIn 2013, a victim of mind control named “Red Ox” claimed he was initiated into the Masonic Royal Arch MI-6 as a child sex slave in the early 1990's. He recounts his visit to Bohemian Grove where he met future stars, including Beyoncé, who were being programmed. He recalls being made to act “Crazy in Love” with Beyoncé which meant being electroshocked while simulating sex with her. Other future stars he remembers meeting there were Jessica Simpson who was undergoing “ugly duckling” programming, and Rhianna who had to do it “under the umbrella”. The world leaders who attend Bohemian Grove appeal to the god of child sacrifice, Moloch. They claim they are summoning and seeing a demon when they do this. Red Ox remembers there was a cloud of black smoke and they told him they were making use of “stargates” and using a child as a conduit to relay information from Moloch in another dimension.2  

Top 10 Signs of Monarch Programming in Popular Culture:

1. Monarch Butterflies beyonce monarch mind control

2. Alternate Personalities (Sasha Fierce, Yonce) pretty-in-pink-beyonce-gets-yonce-cupcakes-1

3. Possession/Satanic Imagery beyonce+destiny

4. Beta Kitten Sexual Programming 50581917

5. Occult Hand Signs

green A double mudra: the Triangle of Manifestation and the Sign of Typhon

6. Masks/Bondage Beyonce-MAINBeyonce-Partition-2014-Mask-Wallpapers

7. Multiplicity/Broken Mirrors/Hypnotic Imagery

beyonce-relives-her-past-in-pepsi-commecial-history-outfits Beyoncé Pepsi commercial 2013  

8. Wizard of Oz

Beyonce-7-Home Beyoncé, age 7 singing "Home" from the movie "The Wiz"

9. Alice in Wonderland Beyonce_Knowles_Alice_in_Wonderland_3

10. Marilyn Monroe Obsession 24b418e6bee6c6ca_May_2014_-_Beyonce_HI

ap_jay-z_beyonce_cuba_nt_130411_wblog Beyoncé and Jay-Z in Cuba. I bet she hates his cigars. In mind control, Delta programming is military-assassin programming. In 2002, American game show creator, Chuck Barris of the Gong Show...[Read More @]

Wednesday, October 8

What's so bad about Aleister Crowley?

What's so bad about Aleister Crowley? William Ramsey joins us for a discussion of the life and times of Aleister Crowley. What turned him to the dark side and how is his pandemic influence affecting our 21st century world? Could this singular man be at the heart of the New World Order? Learn of his connections with the Illuminati and the Satanic ritual sacrifices of Scarlet woman including his wife. How did a channeled book from the ’40s create a new religion based on “Do what thou wilt”?
Listen on: Stitcher - iTunes - YouTube - More Podcasts 

For nearly a decade, Freeman has created amazing videos on the use of mind control in all facets of our lives. From hand signs of the Illuminati to Obama's "Thank You Satan", Freeman's DVDs will open your eyes to a whole new world order.

To order by mail send check to Freeman P.O. Box 25186 Greenville, SC 29616

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Weird Stuff Aliens Free

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Weird Stuff FreemanEver wonder why the world is going to Hell in a hand basket? Now you will know! Social engineering starts with popular culture and becomes the belief systems of the next generation. Weird Stuff is an occult conspiracy encyclopedia in an easy-to-read fully illustrated magazine format. Understand the purpose of Lady Gaga performing a blood sacrifice on American Idol and Madonna’s use of Kabbalah in Super Bowl High Profile Rituals. Learn the truth about Walt Disney Co. and their connection with the military industrial complex. Weird Stuff goes where your minister will not dare! Weird Stuff is more than a book. It is a tool for you to help rehabilitate the minds of friends.

Sunday, September 28

Specter of Human Cloning - Freeman on Buzzsaw Obama, magic, genetic cloning of the ancient Egyptians through mummy DNA, the illuminati, and how a strange new dawn may be here for mankind is explored with Freeman Fly. We go far down the rabbit hole on dark magic, freemasonry, aliens and theories linking the Obamas with the scientific occult kabal that would reproduce Akhenaten and Queen Tiye. Is Beyoncé is the new Nefertiti? We explore the strange world of the illuminati’s dark magic in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone.

Sunday, August 31

Who Created the Ferguson Riot? – David McGowan

Can protest cause perpetual war? Has Hip-Hop been created by Military Intelligence to manifest a Thug Society? Was the Ferguson Riot manufactured? - See more at:

Celebrity Mind Control Rehab

Ever wonder who's leading this parade, guiding us to destruction? Our celebrities have the most power for influencing the direction of our culture. Can we save them from "The Culture Creators" and rescue humanity? - See more at:

Signs of the Apocalypse – Rob Skiba

Secret Rituals of the Federal Reserve and NASA. Was a Canaanite altar used for baby sacrifice behind the creation of Federal Reserve Money System on Jekyll Island? Has the use of Trans-humanism guided us to Armageddon? Rob Skiba, author of Babylon Rising, and Freeman share much of the same knowledge. Find out how this information connects to the Book of Revelations. - See more at:

Sunday, August 10

Gaza - Our Judgement

Are you expected to pick a side? Are you for Israel or are you for Palestine? Can you make this choice? Join Freeman and Jamie for an honest look at what we can do to make the world a better place. Tune in to The Free Zone live Saturdays 8pm EST

Monday, July 7

Weird Stuff ~ Operation: Culture Creation Part 2 on sale now!

Weird Stuff ~ Operation: Culture Creation Part 1

Weird Stuff Freeman Ever wonder why the world is going to Hell in a hand basket? Now you will know! Social engineering starts with popular culture and becomes the belief systems of the next generation. Weird Stuff is an occult conspiracy encyclopedia in an easy-to-read fully illustrated magazine format. Understand the purpose of Lady Gaga performing a blood sacrifice on American Idol and Madonna’s use of Kabbalah in Super Bowl High Profile Rituals. Learn the truth about Walt Disney Co. and their connection with the military industrial complex. Weird Stuff goes where your minister will not dare! Weird Stuff is more than a book. It is a tool for you to help rehabilitate the minds of friends.

Weird Stuff is an encyclopedia of the occult in pop culture, politics, and new technologies.

Weird Stuff Operation: Culture Creation Part 1
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Weird Stuff ~ Operation: Culture Creation Part 2 on sale now!
Weird Stuff Operation: Culture Creation Part 2Are You Free or Are You a Slave? What is the difference between witchcraft, magic, science and science fiction? In Weird Stuff ~ Part 1, we asked, are you a person or are you a product? In this edition we will be discovering who is free and who is enslaved. Which ancient Mystery Schools are making a comeback? Where is the Holy Spirit, and how does this affect Motherhood? Learn why many women have become Crazy Bitches, and what the Royals have to do with it. From Molech to Monarchs, are you suffering from Trauma Based Mind Control? The better question is, who isn’t? Have you been possessed by Rock & Roll, Voodoo, or Scientology? See how even world wars, Nazi religion, superheroes, sorcery, and mind control can never overcome LOVE!

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Your friends need to know this information and quick! The pulse of the manipulation is racing towards an End Game agenda and Weird Stuff has the power to diffuse this attack on humanity. Weird Stuff is an encyclopedia of the occult in pop culture, politics, and new technologies. There has never been a book like it! Explore "High Profile Rituals" on prime-time television. Understand how your children are being programmed to kill with "Princess/Warrior" propaganda. Discover the truth about science fiction and technologies used to control your mind. Weird Stuff goes where only the few dare tread! Where else will you find Aleister Crowley, Walt Disney, Lady Gaga, the Queen, and Barack Obama all in one conspiracy theory? Weird Stuff has the power to open the minds of the most ardent critics and leads them in with it's pop culture style while giving the understanding to transcend the propaganda and find themselves empowered by the new-found knowledge.

What will you have to say after reading Weird Stuff?

Black Magic Is Used Against Us Every Day, Slack Magic Can Keep Us Free Finally, a book that successfully addresses both self-improvement and the issue of mind control of the masses. The same creative magic that can allow us each to be all we were meant to can also be twisted and perverted to make us fall in line and virtually imprison ourselves. This book is fun, with lots of cool art work and illustrations, and I look forward to future volumes!  

Wickety Wex Just popped in to write a few words. Freeman and Jaime; love the book. The amount of times my mind has been blown are uncountable. I am constantly excited to read more and more. The one thing that bothers me the most is that with all the "mark of the beast" symbolism that is found in our pop culture, why does it relate to the bible so much if the Freemasons are basically Jewish Kabbalah practitioners? How does 666 actually relate to what happens to us as individuals when we become subject to this hidden symbolism? If I come across a reference or a pop culture symbol that turns out to be some how inherently satanic, what is the affect that these "Culture creators" are going for? Do you have to understand the symbol to actually be affected by it? Another thing I discovered while playing Call of Duty for the Ps3 is a mission called "Shock and Awe". at the end of that mission there is a nuclear explosion in the middle eastern country that can be seen from space! This game came out 6 years ago!! Incredible. I can't wait to get the next one and the next and the next after that. I wish we could come meet you in person but unfortunately we live way up in farm land in perth county Ontario. Keep up the great work. your an inspiration to our generation.  

Down the rabbit hole in a nutshell. I have been anticipating this magazine! So well put together and an easy read for anyone wanting to go down the rabbit hole. The people in my house have been hesitant to look through it, but I can tell that they're very curious. Everyone will find truth in their own good time. Would definitely recommend!  

The TRUTH finally! Freeman and Jamie have written something that explains what our complicated world is really about. I now understand what the performances by Lady GAGA and Britney Spears really mean! What M&M means by RAINMAN! I even finally understand what MAGIC really is. If you want to understand our world - you need to read this! ITS the real thing - ITS the UNDERSTANDING!!!  

Amazing Stuff So worth the read. The book explores how easily we can be mentally manipulated through commercials, advertising, television, movies, etc. Delves deeply into the esoteric.  

A must-have for Slack Magicians! Weird Stuff, true to its title, brings together research into the occult, popular culture, conspiracy, science, religion, and more. It's to the authors' credit that the book is also entertaining, accessible, and fun. There is no book like this, and the chapter, A Treatise on Slack Magic, is priceless. Highly recommended.  

Wow! Fantastic Magazine Weird Stuff magazine is fantastic. The articles are full of thought provoking content. The artwork is top notch and engaging. The article on Slack Magic is priceless! You get so much, for such a small price! Order now don't delay you won't be disappointed.  

Pure Awesomeness!!!!! I am absolutely loving this magazine!! I haven't finished but couldn't wait to write a review. Freeman and Jamie have such a knack for taking piles of information and organizing it into a way that All can understand. The magazine forces the reader to reevaluate what we've been taught about magic and causes one to ask questions as to why it's been looked upon as taboo in our society. It also empowers us to come to our own conclusions about what the "rulers" of the world are up to. Can't wait for volume #2!!!!  

amazing compilation. Simply put anybody who studies the esoteric must read "Weird Stuff" it will connect so many dots and blow even the most knowledgeable mind . 5 stars Freeman & Jamie have created an awesome tool for easily spreading the awareness that what we've been taught to call the "Real World" is an illusion that we've been programmed to help create and support through our (relatively unconscious) belief in it. It comes out at a critical time for Americans and the World in order to help those who are recognizing that something is desperately wrong to see just what that is and how to take their authentic power back. Freeman has been at the cutting edge of this spiritual awakening of human consciousness for many years now with his TV & radio shows, website and artwork. Along with his wife Jamie, and Monty Python & Diva their dog, they just finished making a sacred spiral of the United States in a school bus, reversing the trip the Merry Pranksters made back in the day. They stayed with friends along the way and helped spread the good news that, together we can turn this world back into the paradise it was always meant to be. This is why we're here! :) This book/magazine represents a quantum leap in the on-going awakening going on in America (and the World) at this time. This is one fantastic way you can and help spread the word helping more people wake up faster with less trauma. :)

Saturday, March 22

Freeman at Free Your Mind 2

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Aliens From Hell

Freeman gives his all in this new presentation from Conspiracy Con 2013 What is the Mark of the Beast and how does it relate to modern technology and ancient magic rituals?
Aliens From Hell DVD

Aliens From Hell and The Satanification of America
Get the DVDs $15.99

What is the Mark of the Beast? How does it relate to pop culture, modern technology and ancient magic rituals? This 2 disk set includes Freeman's Free Your Mind 2 and Conspiracy Con presentations.

Do you know what the Mark of the Beast looks like? Find out what the Satanists say about its origins. Learn how this relates to popular culture with Michael Jackson and Madonna, and new technologies such as CERN and human cloning.

Aliens-From-Hell-SQIs your TV demon possessed? Katy Perry tells your children to bring ET spirits into their souls. What messages and movies have we sent to extraterrestrials? What occult practices have the Nazis, and now NASA, employed to communicate and channel these entities into our dimension. What is the real purpose of the billions going into particle colliders like CERN. What is Blue Beam, a faked alien invasion, or something much more sinister? How does this play into the New World Order? Why did the Pope quit and what is the Vatican saying about aliens? President Obama and Beyonce explored the Great Pyramids with Zahi Hawass then, he's fired in a scandal that shakes the very roots of civilization. The man behind capping the Great Pyramid with gold in Y2K and the discovery of the Tomb of Osiris is giving talks with psychics seeking Atlantis! Why does Madonna have a DNA clean up crew? Did Madonna show the Mark of the Beast at the Superbowl? Is this the very same Mark shown by Russell Brand? Did Michael Jackson die or is there a much deeper mystery involving The Nine gods of Egypt that were channeled by the elite? Is there any reality to Stargate SG1 or Battlestar Galactica? How have Space Command, the FBI, and the CIA influenced our understanding of inter-dimensional gods and the genetic creation of mankind? Aleister Crowley, The Beast 666, changed the world forever, as his beliefs take their deepest roots in society, what did Crowley have to say about Transhumanism and the industrial use of blood and semen? Can this explain Lady Gaga's use of blood and semen in her new perfume line? What is the secret meaning of Monster Drink's logo? How many times have you seen 666 and not realized?
All this and much more awaits you on the ride that is, Aliens From Hell

seal devil kazakhstan10 days after I presented Aliens From Hell at Conspiracy Con 2013, Macintosh announced their new operating system, Maverick. Imagine my surprise as I realized I had predicted their new corporate logo; The Mark of the Beast. DARPA announced their new robot savior ATLAS! I ask you, who is telling you this story and correlating it to the ancient civilizations like Atlantis? Me, right? I used Roboy in the presentation, a mere toy when compared to ATLAS' capabilities. I continue to use my own photograph of Robonaut 2 in the discussion of telepresence robots and mind-transfer technologies and I have found demonic connotations in this technocratic rise, illuminating the New World Global Capitals which all launch into space. Kazakhstan is at the very forefront of these new extraterrestrial preplanned cities and now, we have found the Seal of the Devil at coordinates 52°28'46.86"N 62°11'7.68"E which is not too distant from the Baikonur Cosmodrome; the launch platform for the International Space Station, and Astana with its Pyramid of Peace. Astana translates to Divine Threshold and have a look at their crest.
Do you see the Mark of the Beast?