
Thursday, November 22

Sync Book 2 and Weird Stuff

Obama's birth certificate was carved in stone.From Lady Gaga to Barack Obama, the occult affects us all. Watch 100's of hours of documentaries on the Illuminati's use of the "Dark Arts" in politics, movies, and music. Learn what you need to know to keep your family safe from mind control. Learn the true meaning of symbols around you. Witness "High Profile Rituals" being performed.
Has Satan removed his disguise?
This is where the esoteric meets the political. 

$59.99 Here's a list of the guests included.
How will human culture change in the next millennium as a result of conscious evolution? Will we feel it proper to cater to our earth so that beauty supplants blind ambition? Will our technological advancements be turned to providing free time for the inhabitants of earth? Can everyone participate in a giving and receiving interaction that perpetuates an exchange of information that would become everyone's new work, our new economic orientation?
We'd be paid by the people we touched. Our gifts should go to the people who have brought us spiritual truth. When people come into our lives at just the right moment to give us the answers we need, we should give them money. This is how we start to supplement our incomes and ease ourselves out of the current limiting system. As more people engage in this spiritual economy we will begin a real shift into a culture that provides the beauty and potential to lift mankind's economic orientation. As we discover the energy dynamics of the universe, principles come forth to support that giving creates receiving. This knowledge will create a critical mass that will push this evolution which will be a dramatic movement of individuals from one occupation to another. Creating the power for others through giving will open those souls to fulfill their potential and direct the course of reality to heights of intuition that raises everyone's abilities accelerating the pace of our evolution to that divine place we all hold in our hearts.
Click to join! Flawless Science Monatomic Gold
We see Fallen Angel symbolism in The Voice with a peace sign over a V. Talpa produces the Voice and their logo is the Kabbalistic Tree of Life with Heaven in the Abyss. The peace sign is the sign of Typhon, “father of all monsters”, and was taught to Churchill by Crowley to fight off the solar forces of the Nazis. Katy Perry simply sings of this violation with her song, E.T. She has all the little girls singing, “Wanna be a victim. Ready for abduction. Fill me with your poison. They say be afraid. You're not like the others, futuristic lover. Different DNA. They don't understand you. Boy, you’re an alien. And, I’m ready to go, lead me into the light.” At the Super Bowl Madonna displayed both the VV and OX symbolism. According to Kenneth Grant, an accolade of Crowley, “The Heart of the Sigil of Nodens is identical with the Mark of the Beast: the fusion of O and X. Nodens is the “God of the Great Deep or Abyss”. Considering that Madonna has now taken on the moniker of Esther, one can be certain of her Kabbalistic beliefs. Madonna’s tour is titled MDNA making this another Kabbalistic moniker by removing the vowels and also putting the emphasis on DNA which Madonna is clearly concerned with. She has her dressing rooms swept for any remnants of her DNA by a special security team.

Wednesday, October 31

Pole Shift Maps

Mayan Sacrifice

December 21st 2007 I was sent to meet the Kakulhaa Mayan Spiritual Guides to witness the first ever, all night Winter Solstice Ceremony at the pyramids of Tikal. The Mayans warned their prophecies were coming true and offered safe harbor. With the possible arrival of Elenin, Niburu, Nemesis, or Planet X, a Mayan doctor offered me maps he said were given to him by the "Great White Brotherhood". The maps are made in honor of Charles H. Hapgood's Crustal Shift Hypothesis. Hapgood claimed that towards the end of the last ice age, around 12,000 years ago, the extensive mass of glacial ice covering the northern continents caused the lithosphere to "slip" over the asthenosphere, moving Antarctica, during a period of at most several centuries, from a position in the middle latitudes to its current location, and at the same time rotating the other continents. Antarctica's movement to the polar region precipitated the development of its ice cap. Similarly, by shifting the northern ice sheets out of the arctic zone, the end of the ice age was facilitated.
Support for this theory was given in a forward by Albert Einstein to one of Hapgood's books in 1953: "In a polar region there is continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The earth's rotation acts on these unsymmetrically deposited masses, and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the earth's crust over the rest of the earth's body..." (Hapgood, 1958, p. 1)
The following is a brief description which appears on Gordon-Michael Scallion's FUTURE MAP OF THE UNITED STATES - 1998-2001:
The purpose of the "Future Map of the World" is to present a visual representation of probable geophysical events that may occur in the future. Gordan feels that by sharing this information, an early warning system may be established that takes into account areas to watch for and unfolding scenarios that may be used as benchmarks to warn of impending changes. [nggallery id=2] " I ... see a planetary spiritual awakening occurring during the nineties. A vision I've seen is of a new Earth--reborn--with its people living in harmony with each other... Communities seem to be located more in rural areas than in cities. The air is clean, and there no longer is an ozone hole. I see circular, clustered homes--domes made of a kind of living membrane that provides self-adjusting heating, lighting, and cooling. There are no automobiles, but there does appear to be a new form of public transportation--long, cigar-shaped crafts that move across the ground silently--without wheels. The average life-span has expanded to 150 years because of the Earth's new vibrations and the consciousness of its inhabitants. Telepathy is common between individuals, and between people and animals. There are new flowers, plants, and trees, which provide herbal remedies for this time. Many of the diseases of the twentieth century are gone... Color and sound therapy are the predominant healing modalities. In the year 2002 the world has become a lunar society guided by intuition. There is a common spiritual belief on the planet, termed the "Oneness," a belief in the interrelatedness of all life. The Millennium of Peace has arrived, and a new cycle begins." Gordan Michael Scallion And finally, Scallion stresses that he believes that the Earth is a sentient being and that humankind are her partners. Whenever the Earth is thrown out of balance, either by humankind, cosmic events, or other forces, she, like all living things, seeks to restore harmony and balance. The changes he predicts are attempts on the Earth's part to set aright the many things humankind has set amiss.
See more of my pictures from the Mayan Ceremony
The Mayans Speak
The movie 2012 did not mention the Mayan prophecy on which this date is based other than to show a group visiting the pyramids in Tikal committing suicide. The Mayans perform ceremonies at these sites to show gratitude and gain favor with the universe and their ancestors. I was part of this momentous occasion and would like to present to you, from their own mouths, the Mayan thoughts on the year, 2012.

Tuesday, September 18

Kick Start Weird Stuff!

Kickstart Weird Stuff! Ever wonder why the world is going to Hell in a hand basket? Now you will! Social engineering starts with popular culture and becomes the belief systems of the next generation.

Weird Stuff is a occult conspiracy digest in an easy-to-read fully illustrated tabloid magazine.

Know the truth about Walt Disney Co. and their connection with the military industrial complex. Understand the purpose of Lady Gaga performing a blood sacrifice on American Idol and Madonna's use of Kabbalah in Super Bowl High Profile Rituals. This book has information for ministers and magi, alike. Easily share this information with your friends with this tabloid-style encyclopedia of Illuminati symbolism, pop culture social engineering, and the personal power of esoteric knowledge.
Weird Stuff goes where your minister will not dare!

This website will bring the magazine to life with embedded videos, reading references, and exclusive content from Freeman and Jamie.

Your friends need to know this information and quick! The pulse of the manipulation is racing towards an End Game agenda and Weird Stuff has the power to diffuse this attack on humanity.

Weird Stuff is more than a book. It is a tool for you to help rehabilitate the minds of friends and disconnect them from the Matrix or at least show them the door. This book is subtle enough and referenced enough for both novice and magi alike.

Weird Stuff is an encyclopedia of the occult in pop culture, politics, and new technologies. There has never been a book like it! Explore "High Profile Rituals" on prime time television. Understand how your children are being programmed to kill with "Princess/Warrior" propaganda. Discover the truth about science fiction and technologies used to control your mind. UFOs, black magic, or CERN, Weird Stuff goes where only the few dare tread! Where else will you find Aleister Crowley, Walt Disney, Lady Gaga, the Queen, and Barack Obama all in one conspiracy theory?

Thursday, August 30

Weird Stuff Magazine Coming Soon!

Ever wonder why the world is going to Hell in a hand basket? Now you will! Social engineering starts with popular culture and becomes the belief systems of the next generation.

Know the truth about Walt Disney Co. and their connection with the military industrial complex. Understand the purpose of Lady Gaga performing a blood sacrifice on American Idol and Madonna’s use of Kabbalah in Super Bowl High Profile Rituals. This book has information for ministers and magi, alike. Easily share this information with your friends with this tabloid-style encyclopedia of Illuminati symbolism, pop culture social engineering, and the personal power of esoteric knowledge.
Weird Stuff goes where your minister will not dare!

Friday, August 17

Freemasonry Secret War of the Rites

Freemason Supreme Council Insider, Sir James Wright, Exposes Cult Abuses. You don't want to miss this! Learn the shocking truth about dead bodies used in rituals, abductions & the Secret War of the Rites in Freemasonry.

You will receive an email with the link and password.
Sponsors will get the link free.

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell - Nasa's Nazis & the Great Pyramid Weapon System
Nazi Atomic Technology, Anti-Gravity, Time Control Weapons, Hidden History, Corporate Space War, CERN Extreme Torsion Shear, SS Brotherhood of the Bell $1.99

FreemanTV is sponsored by you. Please show your support and help me continue to bring you thought-provoking information.

First 5 DVDs

Dan Fogler - Don Peyote and the Adventures of Warren Allman

Freeman will appear in Dan Fogler's new production, Don Peyote. You might recognize Dan from such films as, Mars Needs Moms, or Balls of Fury. Warren Allman awakens to the New World Order and is introduced to the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry by Freeman. He is shown an altar where FDR and Houdini knelt, Warren's world began to shift into a shamanic...well, see for yourself.

Click to join!

Watch Katy Perry - E.T. [Occult Symbolism]

Friday, June 8

Conspiracy Con 2012

Freeman began his career discussing Illuminati social engineering through corporations and celebrity mind control. With predictions of 9/11 and the 10/13 bank crash and the Obama birth conspiracy, no one could deny Freeman's insight of the esoteric nature in world politics and Hollywood. Opening with an in-depth exploration of Illuminati Corporate Logos and America's goddess, Columbia, Freeman went on to become an Award-Winning television producer with the first-ever documentary on HAARP and he was first to televise a documentary on Chemtrails. Freeman has been a pioneer in Talk Radio and continues to do so with The Free Zone. The Freeman Perspective is sponsored by you. Please show your support and help me continue to bring you thought-provoking information.
For 7 years Freeman has created amazing videos on the use of mind control in all facets of our lives. From hand signs of the Illuminati to Obama's "Thank You Satan", Freeman's DVDs will open your eyes to a whole new world order.

Get the 6 DVD Box Set of the Freeman Perspective for one low price.

The Freeman Perspective Codex Magica Return of the Nephilim Anna Nicole, Britney & Mind Control Obama Cloning and the Coming Space War ET & the Transhumanist Agenda

$120 plus shipping Inside the US
Outside the US
ET & the Transhumanist Agenda - $19.99 This DVD is 5 hours and covers the advance of the space war and new technologies coupled with the creation of a New World Order.
"Dangerous, profoundly wrong and has no place in our society..." are the words President Obama used to describe human cloning. Was there a covert meaning in this message. CERN opens dimensions and seeks dark matter in space. A spiraling vortex of sapphire particles opens over Norway as Obama arrives to receive his Nobel Peace Prize. Mysterious missiles launch from coast to coast and the Space War ramps up with the X-37B, an automated military space shuttle and Space X launches the Dragon preparing to meet Robonaut 2 on the ISS. Are we witnessing the rise of the technocratic elite?
"Dangerous, profoundly wrong and has no place in our society..." are the words President Obama used to describe human cloning. Was there a covert meaning in this message. CERN opens dimensions and seeks dark matter in space. A spiraling vortex of sapphire particles opens over Norway as Obama arrives to receive his Nobel Peace Prize. Mysterious missiles launch from coast to coast and the Space War ramps up with the X-37B, an automated military space shuttle and Space X launches the Dragon preparing to meet Robonaut 2 on the ISS. Are we witnessing the rise of the technocratic elite? Obama Cloning and the Coming Space War $24.99
Who is this man we call the President? Will he cause a Constitutional crisis? What’s hidden within his name and his statements? Is he the coming Anti-Christ predicted by Nostradamus? Are we witnessing the rise of the Fourth Reich? Or are things much stranger than we thought? This 2 disk set includes a DVD of Freeman's presentation,
Obama, Cloning and the Coming Space War and a CD with 10 hours of Freeman's radio interviews in MP3 format. Explore revelations of Lucifer, occult rituals hidden as political speech, and the acceleration of the weaponization of space for a coming space war. Get all 5 DVDs for one low price. $99.95
Inside the US
Outside the US  

Experience 3 hours of mind-bending information, displayed through an undeniable stream of imagery that will change the meaning of all that you see each and every day. the Freeman Perspective $19.99 Freeman takes you through the doors of Masonic temples and explores the occult meanings of Corporate Logos. With a scholar's observance, he unveils the worship of the Illuminati Goddess, Columbia and then, tackles the more sinister topic of Chemtrails. Freeman assures his position in the info-war movement, with his award-winning documentary on HAARP. Freeman presents solutions based within the creative spirit of humanity. This 3 hour DVD will forever change your perspective of the world around you.
Inside the US
Outside the US

Codex Magica $19.99 Prepare yourself for 2 hours of life changing video. Freeman and Texe Marrs discuss illuminati hand-signs and gestures. Watch Texe Marrs best selling book, Codex Magica, come to life. Explore hundreds of photos of the elite in politics, banking, religion, and entertainment, as Texe and Freeman illustrate their vast knowledge on the subjects of Freemasonry, goddess worship, and occultism. Witness a ritual of witch-craft being performed in the full public view. Understand the meaning behind the kiss of Britney and Madonna. Know that your world is manipulated by occultists.
Inside the US
Outside the US

"Freeman, you know more about this topic than 99.9% of the Christian ministers I have talked with." --Texe Marrs Return of the Nephilim 2 disk set $24.99 As in the days of Noah, when the Sons of God came down and took the wives and daughters of men, so too are we now in an age of revelation about our ancient past. Join Freeman on a path down through the ages, as together, we explore the mysteries left encoded in ancient structures and writings and how they affect the world today. Could the New World Order have an ancient past? Freeman invites thinkers and scholars to discuss the veracity of the ancient astronaut hypothesis. Giorgio Tsoukalos of the Ancient Astronaut Research Center and Michael Tsarion, author of Atlantis, Alien Visitations and Genetic Manipulations, share their knowledge and Freeman meets a Raelian. Dr. Richard Guerrero shares his views as a member of the controversial, extra-terrestrial, Raelian movement. This is 5 hours you don't want to miss folks. Revelation is at hand.
Inside the US

Outside the US
Anna Nicole Britney & Mind Control $19.99 Could it be that what we are witnessing in our top pop stars recently is the result of trauma-based mind control? There is a program so grim; its aspects are difficult to talk about. I am referring to Satanic Ritual Abuse. It is widespread and goes to the upper echelons of the world's rulers. Most Americans won't believe that mind control is going on in the "homeland." Well, it is. Many of the rituals and methods employed in the mind control projects are inspired by the ancient mystery schools; blood and sex rituals to their god and goddess. From ancient Babylon to Nazi Germany and on into America, trauma-based mind control has been the modus operandi of the Illuminati. Join Freeman for a discussion of current events involving Anna Nicole, Britney Spears, Madonna, Walt Disney and much more. Could our top pop stars be mind controlled slaves for the Illuminati. Is Anna Nicole's baby girl an attempt to raise a "moonchild" through an occult ritual? You decide.
Inside the US
Outside the US
To order by mail add $4 shipping or $15 for all 5 please send check, cash, or money order to: Freeman P.O. Box 581 Lawrence, KS 66044

Sunday, April 1

Freeman Alive and Well

I know you all miss me and I miss you. It has been some time since I have been able to broadcast. Jamie and I have been working hard on Weird Stuff Magazine and I am editing my Mayan film. I would like to be back on the radio this month. As it stands, we have no internet and no phone. This keeps us working and feeling as if we have fallen into a hole.
As you may already know, was hacked and brought down. I believe this was due to the premiere of "Me at the Zoo" at Sundance. I have been rebuilding the new and "Me at the Zoo" will be on HBO this month. I'm glad I'm backing everything up!
We have had some amazing adventures and I hope you will follow along. I will have more videos coming for you such as, finding the 10 Commandments in New Mexico. I would like to know what you think of the new Feel free to email me at
I'll be back with you soon.

Monday, February 6

Occult Symbolism of Madonna at Superbowl Halftime

Madonna's use of the VV and OX symbols
represents her worship of the Fallen Angels using the Kabbalism code 66 meaning Qlippoth or the souls of those who died insane.
Watch The Halftime Show with Madonna

The Sorcerers of Atlantis

Read More on Freemason Symbols

Stay Tuned - More Occult Analysis Coming

Friday, January 20 is up

I like to think that so many people are seeking that it crashed the server thanks to my appearance in "ME at the ZOO". Maybe, people got a little more than they expected from this Chris Crocker extravaganza.

Wednesday, January 18

Chris Crocker, ME at the ZOO, Freeman, Britney Spears and the Sundance Film Festival in 2012


Freeman began his career discussing Illuminati social engineering through corporations and celebrity mind control. With predictions of 9/11 to the 10/13 bank crash and the Obama birth conspiracy, no one could deny Freeman's insight on the esoteric nature of world politics and Hollywood. Opening with an in-depth exploration of Illuminati Corporate Logos and America's goddess, Columbia, Freeman went on to become an Award-Winning television producer with the first-ever documentary on HAARP and he was first to televise a documentary on Chemtrails.
His message has been one of peace and focusing on the miraculous. Synchronicity guides his life and work.
Hollywood Mind Control continues to peak Freeman's curiosity and the celebrities never fail to deliver.

(Read More)

Anna Nicole Britney & Mind Control $19.99 Could it be that what we are witnessing in our top pop stars recently is the result of trauma-based mind control? There is a program so grim; its aspects are difficult to talk about. I am referring to Satanic Ritual Abuse. It is widespread and goes to the upper echelons of the world's rulers. Most Americans won't believe that mind control is going on in the "homeland." Well, it is. Many of the rituals and methods employed in the mind control projects are inspired by the ancient mystery schools; blood and sex rituals to their god and goddess. From ancient Babylon to Nazi Germany and on into America, trauma-based mind control has been the modus operandi of the Illuminati.
Join Freeman for a discussion of current events involving Anna Nicole, Britney Spears, Madonna, Walt Disney and much more. Could our top pop stars be mind controlled slaves for the Illuminati. Is Anna Nicole's baby girl an attempt to raise a "moonchild" through an occult ritual? You decide.

Inside the US

Outside the US

Freeman will appear in, "ME at the ZOO", at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival. This is a film produced by Michael Stipe of REM and directed by Chris Moukarbel on the YouTube phenomenon, "Leave Britney Alone". The film will feature Freeman's appearance on Esoteric Round Table discussing Anna Nicole, Britney, and Mind Control.

HBO Documentary Films has picked up the U.S. broadcast rights for the feature documentary Me @ the Zoo, which explores the new phenomenon of Internet celebrity.
"Throughout its history, HBO Documentary Films has shown a dedication to intelligent, thought-provoking content," said Moukarbel and Veatch in a joint statement. "We couldn't be happier that Me @ the Zoo has found the perfect home at HBO."

Currently, Freeman and crew are aboard their school bus, MSMMLE, "Ms. Emily", a Mystery School Mobile Media Lab Experiment seeking the miraculous and transmitting it back to you in a Type 1 Roadshow fashion on the Friendship Agenda.